Another Day in the Life
Got up and sent the princess to nursery on the train bus, geared up for a whole morning to do with what I would. Christmas is coming and there are geese waiting to get fat on my baking, so that was the first thing on the agenda.
Christmas muffins for M's nursery teachers, and just to be nice, a box of biscuits for the kids - all 50 of them! The first batch of muffins were made yesterday, but due to a lack of other viable breakfast materials in our house (not an entirely unusual thing) half of them were gone, so a top up was necessary. The cookie dough was also chilling in the fridge, ready to be cut into Christmas trees and stars and baked to a perfection that would melt the hearts of all my little charges in the nursery class, and prove , once and for all that I am indeed the best teacher in the world.
Or that was the plan. Up to the Martha-esque popping in the oven of neat rows of trees, all went well. What popped out, however, was a large oily map-of-the-world-before-the-tectonic-plates-moved-apart mess. Failure number one.
Christmas muffins for M's nursery teachers, and just to be nice, a box of biscuits for the kids - all 50 of them! The first batch of muffins were made yesterday, but due to a lack of other viable breakfast materials in our house (not an entirely unusual thing) half of them were gone, so a top up was necessary. The cookie dough was also chilling in the fridge, ready to be cut into Christmas trees and stars and baked to a perfection that would melt the hearts of all my little charges in the nursery class, and prove , once and for all that I am indeed the best teacher in the world.
Or that was the plan. Up to the Martha-esque popping in the oven of neat rows of trees, all went well. What popped out, however, was a large oily map-of-the-world-before-the-tectonic-plates-moved-apart mess. Failure number one.
Not to worry, there were still the stars. In they popped.
In the meantime I thought I would update Mairi's blog while I had a spare minute. Or 45, as the server doesn't acccept full res photos and you have to downsize them yourself. Plus the typing in Japanese and English. After all this time, finally satisfied with my wit for the day, I hit "publish", to get a message saying "Server is extremely busy, please try again later" . On clicking back, I discovered my carefully crafted words and pictures had all disappeared and gone to cyber heaven. Number two.
Checked the oven. Despite having made these biscuits from a well tested recipe in exactly the same way to rapturous reception before, the stars too are a big oily mess. Number 3. Now I'm starting to get annoyed with my morning.
Oh well, the kids get bugger all and I'm still a big scary gaijin teacher. But I've already got half a portion of muffins that will go to waste if I don't hand them over, so I better tempt fate and make the apple muffins. All looks fandabbydozy. We may still salvage the day.
While muffins are sending lovely cinammon aromas through the house as they bake, I remembered I had to hang out some washing, which had been lying on the top of the washing machine for a day already and would likey go mouldy if required to wait any longer for fresh air. Quick check out of the window. Good - blue sky! Half the T-shirts are neatly pegged on the line, when it starts to snow! Beginning to suspect a conspiracy against my day now.
Back in the house - you guessed it - muffins have sunk. It's only 12:30 and we've had 5 torpedoes into my good mood. I should have called it quits and gone to bed then.
But no, the princess needed picking up. Number 6: After leaving the salvaged and prettily packed muffins on teh counter in the front hall, I had to return to get them and was 15 minutes late picking Mairi up.
M very girny in the car, methinks over-tired and refusing to nap! Lovely. After a few wails and a bout of Barney, she falls asleep however. Safe for a couple of hours, I thought, but then I heard a crash. Gale force winds appeared to have blown my laundry poles off their concrete stands and my washing into the garden. Lucky 7!
Back in the house - you guessed it - muffins have sunk. It's only 12:30 and we've had 5 torpedoes into my good mood. I should have called it quits and gone to bed then.
But no, the princess needed picking up. Number 6: After leaving the salvaged and prettily packed muffins on teh counter in the front hall, I had to return to get them and was 15 minutes late picking Mairi up.
M very girny in the car, methinks over-tired and refusing to nap! Lovely. After a few wails and a bout of Barney, she falls asleep however. Safe for a couple of hours, I thought, but then I heard a crash. Gale force winds appeared to have blown my laundry poles off their concrete stands and my washing into the garden. Lucky 7!

Precisely 30 minutes into her nap, M wakes up, still crying uncharacteristically. She's had a snotty nose for a couple of days, but no other symptoms. Oh oh! Thermometer whooshes into view. Nope, temperature completely normal, but by now she's shouting "No Doctor" " I haven't got any sore bits!" which is very suspicious indeed. After a lot of cajoling and reassuring, I get her to admit that she has a sore ear, and promptly reward her honesty with a trip to the dreaded ENT clinic, thus dashing my Best Mummy of the Year Award hopes. So spent the afternoon there with other sick people being infected with God knows what, to find out that Mairi does indeed have a midddle ear infection, the probably imminent pain of which is most likely to keep me up all night, as well as make her a poor wee soul. And we don't even know yet, that the primary infection causing the runny nose that begat the ear infection is just a cold . Might turn into something nice and feverish yet, you never know.
And if that all that isn't enough, my pc just crashed in the middle of typing all this and I had to start again.
What a magic day!
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