湯布院 Yufuin Gourmet

We went to the MIL's holiday home in Yufuin last weekend. Yufuin is a surprisingly sophisticated little town situated in the sulphurous mountains of Kyushu. The surrounding landscapes are so reminiscent of the Highlands of Scotland that I would only be mildly surprised if a kilted teuchter hopped over a volcanic boulder and showed us the contents of his sporran as we approach the sleepy little town. Perhaps that's why I like it so much, although my nostalgia is misplaced as I come from nowhere near the Highlands, really.
Apart from the beautiful scenery, you can find some of the most beautiful (and expensive) Japanese Inns and Onsen (hot spring) baths to be found, with numerous examples of the simple aesthetic style I thought was "typical" Japanese, before I came here and discovered most of Japan had shunned it for mimicry of Western design. What a waste! Anyway, it's there in Yufuin. There is also a miriad of galleries with exhibits on old Japanese arts and crafts, modern art and a few authentic Western artists are well represented too. A great variety of cuisine is on offer too, considering the size and location of the town. All in all, you'll have gathered Yufuin gets the thumbs up from me. I heartily recommend a visit to anyone who is in the vicinity.
Anyway, we went there last weekend, and the inlaws treated us to a meal in the best restaurant I've found so far, but let's just say I'm glad it was their treat! Artegio DIning is part of the very posh Sanso Murata Inn and attached to its art gallery.

Now those of you who know her, will know that my mother likes to know what everyone is having for their dinner. Preferably before she orders her own meal, although the knowledge seems to have no bearing on what she actually orders, but whatever. After will also do. SO this post is for you
Mum. The clarity of the photography is as usual directly proportionate to the amount of wine consumed, but this is what we had for our dinner:
There were lots of courses
Topped off with the house speciality: Basil creme brulee !Sounds weird but it's Yumm!
Mairi had the spaghetti!
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