Dedicated Followers of Fashion
My two year old, this two year old:

has started giving me fashion advice.
I should be used to it by now really. I have never been exactly hailed as a sartorial trend setter, or let's face it any other kind. My sister, this sister:
I should be used to it by now really. I have never been exactly hailed as a sartorial trend setter, or let's face it any other kind. My sister, this sister:

but who can look like this:

a self proclaimed style guru, has been giving me advice for years, both wanted and unwanted!
My mother, this mother:

Check out those trousers!
who was once stopped at customs and made to empty her hand luggage, which resulted in 6 handbags to match the 6 pairs of shoes in her case ( and we were away for 2 weeks!), and who is the living reason why Marks and Spencers make so many dfferent colours in the same T-shirt, has made it her study to point out every flaw in my attire for as long as I can remember.
My mother-in-law even handed me a large amount of cash once when I went home for a visit " to buy some smart clothes with".
Granted, when Mairi objected to my style, I was wearing this T-shirt:

arm wasn't long enough for the whole effect
which may not be Armani, and had been the only thing left in the wardrobe after 5 days of rainy season laundry stopping downpours, but it does commemorate the World Cup during which Mairi was conceived! Pointing this out received no hint of nostalgic tolerance from her though. And when it comes to the point where your baby, who can't really say many things clearly yet, exclaims " Mummy I don' lke it! Take it off! Take it off!", it may be about time for me to ask the MIL for another handout!
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