Muchiuchi 鞭打ち

Stock questions - where are you from? what do you think of Jogakuin? when did you come to Japan? what's your favourite colour?
Then: " What's your favourite word?" To be honest they were probably looking for a motto - like " Smile and the World Smiles with you!", but you can interpret the Japanese as "word" too so the cunning linguist in me likes to take a different tack. As you know I like words.
Now, purely from a phonetic point of view, one of my favourite sounding Japanese words is "muchiuchi" (moochioochi). I think it's hilarious. I learned it after a car accident I had a few years back, and it means "whiplash".
Perhaps I've been lulled into a false sense of security by the cute sailor suits and the predeliction for Disney characters which surrounds my teenage charges, I don't know. They always seem so young and naive compared to their British counterparts. Eyes opened once again.
"What's your favourite word?"
"I like " muchiuchi"."
Look at each other with momentary kind of " what does that mean again?" bewildered look, that sends my self confidence back to zero - have I been mispronouncing this word for years??!! - I'd heard of the concept of a stiff neck after an accident when I was in 2nd year, hadn't I???" Then , visibly, the penny drops.
To each other, without the slightest trace of surprise or embarrassment beyond the fact they hadn't known immediately:
" Oh that's it, the SM thing with the leather!"
And then went to look for the next questions.
THEY'RE 13!!!!!!
I mean, yeah, it doesn't take a large leap of imagination to get to that tack in English either, but I didn't expect that from the cherubic child who'd quite literally just asked if she could cuddle my Kermit, as if it was the biggest thrill she's had all year!
I'm like: "WHAT???!!!! Car crashes??? Stiff necks????"
"Oh yeah, it means that too!"
" I think I'll give you a new answer..."
" Oh , OK, if you want"
In a totally unfazed tone, as if it was bizarre that a new teacher might not want to go down in the journalistic anals of her missionary founded school's history as a secret whip cracking dominatrix!
On the plus side, my street cred has probably soared to new heights..........
So does that mean Muchiuchi San is Miss Whiplash?
that is a hillarious story jax, thanks for sharing!
Paul used to get that look when we would meet someone who spoke spanish and he would say, "los limpias parabrisas" which is his favorite word, but would always get a strange look since it means windshield wiper. Not quite as exciting as whiplash though.
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