Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Serial Killer Strikes Again
I'm worried.
Friends came to visit recently and gave me a plant. It really is a lovely plant. Mairi also got two goldfish at the local festival the other day. The crushing sense of responsibility of these two acquisitions is rendering me unable to sleep at night.
Friends came to visit recently and gave me a plant. It really is a lovely plant. Mairi also got two goldfish at the local festival the other day. The crushing sense of responsibility of these two acquisitions is rendering me unable to sleep at night.
I don't have a good record with keeping things alive. I'm constantly amazed that I'm managing to bring up a relatively healthy child. My best effort was a cactus which lasted 10 years. But I can't really take credit for that as it didn't even die immediately when someone put it in the microwave at a drunken party.
The fish already look a bit dodgy and it's only been a week.
This is my Christmas tree which was supposed to become a family heirloom. I bought it in December and this was taken in April. The neighbour finally cremated its totally barren remains the day before yesterday.

It used to look like this:

Poor fish.