Sunday, November 06, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me!

Well bonfire night has come again, so that makes me another year older. 37! Wow! My brain still tells me I'm 15. Unless of course my brain is standing in front of a mirror, but then what can you do. I distinctly remember being a fresh 1st year at Queen Anne thinking that 14 was as old and as cool as you ever needed to be. Now, as each decade passes, I extend my personal age limit on being "young". I remember my angst at turning 30, but now I'm clinging to the vestiges of my thirties as the last bastion of youth.
But then what the hell? I had a great birthday, so if I have to get older to get a babysitter and a night on the town, so be it.
Yasu got me a new spiffy digital camera for me birthday so I feel compelled to post my first pictures on the blog, dull though they may be for the two of you who look at this.
First naturally the centres of my being.

First we went out for a lovely dinner at one of my favourite restaurants as Mairi played with Ba-chan.

A couple of champagnes and a bottle of wine between us later, we moved on to the pub. Where barman Mark gave me a bag of Salt and Vinger crisps from his private stash to go with my cocktails. I was so happy I gave him a kiss so I don't think he'll give me any more.

See if I care!

Yasu had a few Drambuies too many too.

They say the camera never lies, and I think maybe this was what he was really seeing when he took the photo.

Not long after this we went home because apparently Mairi couldn't sleep without her Mummy. Then Mummy fell asleep at the same time without taking her make-up off and felt all of her 37 years when she woke up in the morning!

I had a great day, so thanks to all who contributed.

Especially these two.