Jeremiah was a bullfrog....
None of these little fellas is Jeremiah
they are just the ones who happened to be lurking around poolside in my car port 5 minutes ago, but he is out there somewhere.
When I got in the car with M to go and pick Yasu up from work the other night, I heard a veritable mooing coming from somewhere in the rice fields and got a bit of a fright. A neighbour happened to be coming out of her house at the same time and to my panicked "What is that?", she laughed and said "it's a bull frog!" And do you know, that was the first time I realised that bull frogs were so called because they sound like bulls. I always just thought it was because they were huge! Am I alone in this ? And therefore stupid? I was brought up in the countryside and played with frogs when I was wee, but there were never such mooing frogs in Townhill, so I guess you don't know till you meet one. I knew there were bull frogs here, as not only have I seen their tadpoles, great ugly things the size of small rabbits, but I also nearly splattered a puppy-sized one over Route 184 the other night by mistake. But I didn't know they mooed.
The rainy season certainly brings the frogs out in all sizes here. I told my friend's daughter that it doesn't rain water here it rains frogs, and that really isn't far from the truth, but I hope Jeremiah and his friends don't start raining down on us or there will be a few sore heads in the neighbourhood. I shall moo my hellos if I go out at night now to keep him on side.
Bullfrogs eh. You live and learn!

This poor wee soul had just given up trying to get a grip on something under my eaves to escape the torrential rains on Friday
It didn't moo though!
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